Wednesday, December 14, 2011


We ordered 2 cords of wood to get us through this winter.

Two cords is a lot of wood!

Our neighbor's brother delivered the wood for us.

We also ordered 2 yards of gravel.  We used most of it to cover the floor in the wood bin, and used some to improve the drainage along the dooryard side of the house.
Gravel Delivery.
We shoveled all of the gravel in onto the floor, and then Justin built the racks to hold the two cords of wood.

Justin in the wood bin. 

Half of one rack is done.

Ensuring that it's level...
Then, we moved all of that wood into the wood bin. That took a whole day.

Beautifully stacked wood, and the proud farmer.
By January, we had moved about half way through the first cord.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

October/November, 2011

It's starting to get chilly!  Doesn't this picture just look cold?

The small stack of wood is from the downed trees from the Hurricane.  Note the gray sky.  Snow is coming!

The Chimney is done, the wood stove is in!  We may not have a wall behind it, but it works!

Justin preps for the first fire.

Success!  And warmth.

Completely wood powered warmth.  Thermostat is set at 45, and we've already got the temperature up to 46.
How exciting!  Don't does get warmer than that.

Ah, yes.  Maine living.

What will probably become our favorite spot this winter.

Halloween storm...the first real cold of the season.

And the first snow of the season.

Justin prepares the walls for the drywall.  The ceiling is done, but getting the walls done will be critical in keeping in the heat.  The yellow stuff is insulation (look back in previous posts to see about when that was blown in). 
Stove is working well.

We added the drywall piece by piece.  It's starting to look like a finished room.

Even Chester knows where the warm spot is.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


A ride on the Songo River Queen when Jeni, Steve and Ets came to visit!

We also took a trip to the Fryeburg Fair, which is about 15 minutes from our house.  This sheep shearer was in the Farm museum.

Upon closer came from our farm!!

"Rules for Teachers" from the Schoolhouse at the fair.

Back to work!  Justin framed ledgers off of the ceiling so the drywall would be level.  A big job.

Chester gets in the way.

Justin has also put in the framing for the chimney...while he had a case of poison ivy!

The chimney is going in!

Chester gets in the way.

We just need a stove here!

My job for the day is scrubbing bricks!

More pictures of the framing.

Drywall for the CEILING.

Drywalling a ceiling is quite a job.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Drywalling begins!

Drywall going up!

This room has seen a lot...

Plaster gone...

Slight privacy issue.

Temporary solution with a sheet.

Much better solution!