Sunday, August 12, 2012

July into August Brings a New Porch!

Chester and Justin admire the missing porch and the sealed up window.

No more porch...

Making the concrete corner for the porch.

Working hard?

Keeping watch on the job site.

Building the edges of the new, sturdy porch.

New post!

The old boards are going on for ones will come eventually.  Note the wall to the right.  That will be a little bench eventually!

The roof and wall are progressing.

Time for a break.  Fried green tomatoes anyone?




Now THAT'S a beuatiful porch roof!

We decided this picture captured the day.  Shower fixtures, laptops, dinner, and candles, of course.

Such a shame that this will be covered up!

View of the top.

Prepping for the porch light.

Taking a break to pick up some lobster!

The wall is coming together!

And up goes the roof!

Putting the cap on the wall.


Saturday, August 11, 2012


Trying to keep the rain away from the has been a rainy summer!

Working into the evening...again. 
Look at those windows!  Beautiful!


We have carrots!

Peas, tomatoes, broccoli!

Time for new siding under the new windows!

Our neighbor, Randy, picked these wild blackberries for us..yum!

Trim for the windows!

Micah and Catherine came to visit...we grilled 6 lobsters!

Note that our dinners by the fire will be eaten on green lunch trays (bought earlier in the day at an antique store).

Micah and Catherine head off on their journey up the coast!


Trim for the closet.

We have a clothesline!

Also...the little farmhand is growing like a weed!